Short CV - Julia Venturini
Research Interests:
Exoplanets, Planet Formation, Planets orbiting Binary Stars, Protoplanetary Discs.
Current Position:
Senior Research Associate at the Department of Astronomy of the University of Geneva.
2016: PhD in Physics, University of Bern, Switzerland.
2011: Diploma in Physics, option Astronomy, Universidad de la Republica (UdelaR), Uruguay.
Previous Academic Positions:
2018 - 2021: Postdoctoral Fellow at the International Space Science Institute.
2016 - 2018: Postdoc at the University of Zurich, Group of Prof. R. Helled.
2012 - 2016: PhD candidate at the University of Bern, Group of Prof. W. Benz.
2010 - 2012: Teaching assistant, UdelaR, Uruguay.
Space Missions and Leadership:
CHEOPS Science Team member, leading the GTO programme "S-Valley".
PLATO Science Team member, leading the Working Group proposal on S-type planets.
"Planets in Binaries" Group Leader at the Observatory of Geneva.
NCCR PlanetS, Domain A Spokesperson (since 2024).
Awards and Grants:
2024: COINF UniGe competitive funding for computing resources (amount: 35'000 CHF).
2023: Asteroid 34409 named Venturini .
2023: UPSTEM project from the Swiss Young Academy (amount: 30'000 CHF).
2022: SNSF Ambizione Grant (amount: 1'004'677 CHF)
2022 & 2025: SNSF Flexibilty Grant (amount: 85'000 CHF).
2021: NCCR PlanetS research project "Planet formation in binary star systems" (amount: 42'000 CHF).
2018-2021: Postdoctoral Fellowship in Astrophysics at ISSI (amount: ca. 300'000 CHF).
2018: ISSI Team "Ice Giants: Formation, Internal Structure, and the Link to Exoplanets" (co-leader, amount: 28'000 CHF).
2016: Best PhD Thesis in Physics, University of Bern (amount: 2'000 CHF).
2014: MERAC grant for two research stays at the University of Tokyo to collaborate with Prof. M. Ikoma (amount: 5'000 CHF).